We care, we are here, we are Momas!

Find other mothers, connect, share moments and share experiences together.


About VMomas

VMomas is a proprietary technology of Opulence Capital Investments Ltd. The objective of the solution is to create a platform that supports moms on their parenting journey, to achieve a happy mom & a thriving child.

image of a mother and daughter

Hear what these visionary moms have to say about how they leverage the VMomas platform as a great parenting and support tool.

Why people choose VMomas?

Hear what our Visionary Momas have to say about the VMomas app

Image of Helen Gabriel

I love the numerous benefits within the Vmomas app, but my favorite is the Moma Planner. It helps me stay organized with my parenting responsibilities

Helen Gabriel Moma with 3 kids

Excited to join a unique community of loving mothers?

Let’s make the experience as simple as possible for you. Find, connect and share experiences.

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image of a mother and daughter